Monday, September 29, 2008

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

This is my verse today. I have said it a million times since about 4:00 pm today. Mike is doing somewhat better. We have gone to a completely green juice and it seems to make the gas a little better. I bought a wheat grass juicer today and he has had about 3 shots today. I actually have added in broccoli sprouts in with the wheat grass. He has had a few raspberries and about 1/2 tsp of raw honey for a treat tonight. He also had vegetable juice this morning and tonight along with his nutrition shake. I am trying to get as much nutrition in as possible as you can tell.

Today, we have added the Vstaton back into his medicine routine and it has made him sick. The Vstaton is important though because is cuts off the blood supply to the tumor. Mike had his IV Therapy, his LBG Therapy, and his Emotional/Breathing Therapy. After the breathing therapy, he was better. It is a way to breath to relax and get oxygen. When Mike is strong enough, I will have him blog about it. I don't understand it really. All I know is that he is better after it.

Elizabeth had a special day at Station 11 Sarasota County Fire Department today. Pete invited us to tour the station. We showed up with bagel and cream cheese in hand. Pete introduced us to everyone and showed us the inside. Then he took us out to the ambulance. He talked to Elizabeth about the heart and how it has 3 electrical pulses and how they can read it on the EKG. He also hooked Elizabeth and gave her a print out of her heart beat. Her pulse was high, because she was nervous. The more she watched the monitor the higher it got. It may me giggled. Then Pete allowed Elizabeth to do the coolest thing ever. I wish that we had Joel C and my nephew Conner with us at this point. I KNOW they would have loved it. Pete backed out the big ladder truck on the back alley. Then he pulled out this giant remote control. Elizabeth got to push the button that allowed the hydraulic legs to come out and plant them on the ground. Then she pushed a button and this giant truck was lifted so the wheels were off the ground. It was like a giant transformer. Very cool. Then, he allowed Elizabeth to climb up and run the ladder. She lifted it up and then put the basket on the ground. Then, Pete and Elizabeth climbed into the basket and Pete took her up in the basket. Maybe about 6 feet off the ground. I have the best picture. She was thrilled and loved it. Both Mike and I are completely humbled by God's care here through strangers that are now friends. Kindness is an amazing gift...

So back to 4:00.... My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 1 endometrial cancer today. I almost have to remove myself from it because the weight of just hearing it was almost too much to bear. I realize that Stage 1 is different than Stage 4, but I love her and I absolutely hate that my parents are going through almost the same thing that Mike and I are going through. I also hate that yet again, there is someone I love tremendously that I can not be there for right now. So all that came to mind was the Philippians verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I said it over and over and over. Mike and I said it over and over and over. Finally, my comfort came. I realized that I serve THE God. The great I am. The One who delivered Israel and the One who is delivering Mike. He is big enough for my Mom's battle. He can be there even though I can't.

I know my parents read this every night... Mom, I love you. I am praying for you. Read Psalms 91 over and over. Mike and I read it every morning. Meditate on it.


Lisa said...

Mercies come in strange forms. Who would think you'd find them at the fire station? And yet, on a day otherwise filled with stress and striving and strain, there was joy at the fire station. Go figure.

I am still praying. Now when I pray for Mike, I will also pray for your Mom (hi Mom! I'm Mike and Deanna's neighbor from SD!) I am grateful for every little step forward. It's easy to think that at the end of the journey we'll find God, but the reality is that He is IN the journey, and that turns even the most difficult paths into treasure hunts.


Anonymous said...

OH, Deanna.
Lord, this woman needs healing. All around her and in the people she loves. Hold her together and soothe her; let her crawl up into Your lap and let it all go. YOU are a God of comfort and peace. Let Deanna know what it feels like to be HELD.
Love and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your prayers, I have given it up to god and know I am in good hands. Even though you may want to be here your journey is with your husband and Elizabeth.
You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
