Once again Deanna allows me to post a bit.
So I have this grapefruit sized tumor at the junction between my esophagus and stomach, and for a long time, my most pressing problem has been to stay hydrated. I can only sip-and I mean micro-sip-small amounts and then I have to belch tremendous amounts of gas. It causes a lot of belly pain, all that gas. There is spitting up of phlegm involved to. It seems that anything that I want to put in has to be offset by getting rid of many times the volume in gas and phlegm. It's a huge problem with taking the supplements too. I've been so thirsty, dry mouth and throat all the time, and we avoid being outside in the heat at all costs, which cuts me off from fresh air and sunshine.
In all my spare time-(Ha...there isn't any...every waking moment is scheduled for some kind of treatment or supplement) I've been reviewing what the Bible has to say about healing. But I catch a few moments here and there. And for some strange reason I've been fantasizing about being able to drink water and fruit juice and eat fruit. To be able to just pick up a jug of cool, clean water that doesn't taste bad (mine has some powerful supplements in it right now that foul the taste a bit) and to just chug it all down and demolish it. It would be a miracle. And then to pick an orange, crush the juice out of it and drink it, or maybe a perfectly fresh peach. My fantasies all involve water and fruit now.
Today Bill increased the amount of beet-derived vitamin c in my IV therapy. (The other great thing about the IV therapy is I get about and extra liter of fluid out of it!) I was exhausted at the end, and we cancelled the rest of the day's therapies. But while I was dozing on the drip, I had a vision, or dream, or fantasy, or whatever you want to call it that Deanna thought I should blog.
I was in New Jerusalem, sitting on the bank of the river of life, underneath the tree of life. (Revelation 22). Jesus came over and sat down beside me. He was wearing a clean cut beard, looking perfectly healthy, smiling. He was wearing a plain robe looking thing, sort of like a Jedi outfit. He did not speak a word. There was light all around us, but it wasn't hot or uncomfortable at all. Like the most visually vibrant blue sky day, but not a drop of sweat or discomfort. (I am not a sun/humidity person, even on my best of days) and I was perfectly comfortable.
I dropped to my knees at his feet, crying, but his hands were soon on my shoulders, lifting me up to sit beside him on the river bank, right beside him, and just a bit lower on the bank. He said not a word, just kept looking me in the eye and smiling. I stopped crying-there was simply no place or reason for it here. From somewhere he took out two goblets. These were big, royal court, jewel encrusted things like you see in the movies when they depict a royal/imperial feast.
He hands one to me , and looks at the river. Because I've had my eyes on him, I haven't noticed until now that he has handed me the gold goblet, and kept the silver goblet for himself. They are not the same! I say something like "Lord, at least you take the gold goblet...mine cannot be better than yours." I gently push the goblet towards him, and he just smiles and exchanges goblets with me.
And then, we each scoop a goblet full of water from the river of life, and I begin to drink. To drink like I've never drunk before. Deep and long, more than I can ever remember, and the water is cool and tastes better than any water has ever tasted before. It sort of fades out there.
So Deanna hauls me back to the hotel room. I'm thirsty. So I polish off my .5 liter bottle that has the sups added to it. It goes down pretty easy, with much less gas and pain. I normally nurse that little bottle all day long without finishing it. It, maybe another liter of supplements mixed in little cups of water, and my trusty IV are all I usually get. I'm really tired, so I conk out on the bed for a while.
Thunderstorms came this afternoon while I was sleeping. I thank God for the rain and remember Tucson and hope they are having a good monsoon season, getting all the needed rain for the people and the Sonora, but without destructive flooding. I remember that one of my greatest joys there was hiking Sabino and Bear Canyons in the afternoon during monsoon season. If you go there after lunch, you can hike them in the blazing 113 plus degree heat, and then watch God send the thunderstorms through the canyons mid to late afternoon. You can let the rain blast you and cool you off and listen to his thunderous voice roll off the cliffs. Utterly fantastic.
Deanna mixes me up a liter of water. I drink it. She makes me a large-cup of my favorite purple cool-aid supplement. I drink it. She mixes me up another liter of water, which I'm working on now. In the last few hours, I have drunk more water than probably the whole week previous! Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!!!!
I open up my Bible to continue my study of Biblical healing. I run square across Luke 11:5, where Jeshua has just taught the disciples the Lord's prayer because they asked him to. And then he teaches them something else. He teaches them to boldly ask for the stuff they need, repeatedly if necessary, because sometimes people will give you what you want just to get you to stop bugging them. And then he teaches them that if they intend to give good things to their own kids, then they should ask God for whatever they need, because surely He knows how and what to give us, His children, the very best of everything that we need.
I was also able to sleep last night with only 2 or 3 wake ups! Usually it's about every hour, from back or belly aches from overly spasmed muscles or gas pain, or the tumors.
Your prayers for us helped make a huge breakthrough today! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Please pray thanks to Him for what He has done for us today and that He will continue to be gracious and merciful.
"By His stripes we are healed."
Love in Christ
I believe that many of the things we "dream" are real, but simply in another realm, one we can't wrap our minds around in this physical realm. And when you tell me about your dream/vision and then you tell me about the rest of your day...well, I'm left to conclude you had a very real encounter with the Healer this afternoon.
Revelation 22:1-2 1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
The river of life. The trees that draw from it grow leaves that heal, it's so powerful. And the Healer gave you His cup and let you drink from it. What a beautiful thing. I'll bet that water tasted incredible. I'm thirsty just thinking of it.
Don't let any voice of reason and logic try to convince you that you made up that vision. Hold on to the reality of it and claim what was given to you in that dream--waters of life, waters of healing, all in the presence of Jesus Christ. It's yours.
Lord, bring Mike more dreams and visions, revealing Your heart, Your will, and Your kingdom to him. Thank You.
Dear Mike, UNBELIEVABLE!!! God never ceases to work in mysterious ways. It just sent shivers up my spine when I read the part about your waking up and being able to drink more than you had in a long time. I wish I could find more uplifting words for you, but I know you already have the truth in your heart and I can't add anything to that. Our continued prayers for you, Deanna and Elizabeth. Love, Aunt Mary
Incredible, amazing, wonderful, and what a blessing from the Lord! I am so happy to hear of your success today and praise the Lord for it! Incredible vision, and I too believe a true encounter with the Lord. Thanks be to God!
The Irwins
Mike, you have drunk from the River of Life with the Lord of Glory! Hallelujah!!! That vision was a powerful gift from God, what an awesome loving Father we have! I'm just rejoicing over this, Mike. It is marvelous and awesome. Do you notice the humble sweetness of the Lord, giving you the gold cup? That is HIM!!! His heart is humble and gentle (Matt. 11:28-30). Bless you for sharing your vision with us, Mike, and especially when so fresh in your mind. Praise God!!!
We are praying for you, dear brother, you can count on that. We will keep asking, seeking, and knocking for you, Deanna & Elizabeth. But you've drunk from the River of Life, Mike! The Lord is answering our prayers!!!
Blessings to you all! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto US!
This morning as I prayed, it was a prayer of Thanksgiving. I was flooded with an amazing sense of peace as I read about your dream. I won't pretend to understand exactly what it meant, but it brought peace to me and I cannot begin to imagine the peace and comfort you got from it. What an amazing gift for you all.
I've also been praying especially for Elizabeth. I am so thankful that God impressed upon your hearts the need for her to be there with you all and that you responded. She is seeing God work up close and personal in the lives of her parents in a way that few children her age get to see. This really is an opportunity for her faith to blossom. But I also remember she is a little girl and is probably terribly afraid a lot of the time. Please let her know that she is especially in my prayers.
It sounds liked you have lots of help on the homefront, but please let us know if there is anything we can do, especially as you get close to coming home. I would love to do some shopping for you and make sure you have a decent supply of healthy food for you all to come back to. Call me if you need anything.
Love and prayers from the panhandle.
Missy (for the Hickmans)
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