Sunday, September 7, 2008

Elizabeth's 1st Posting

Hi everyone!

Today I am going to blog about the office.When we got in Mr. Bill welcomed us and talked about different things like what we were going to do today and how the night went. After that they put dad in a room . The room had a bed like the ones in a docter's office exept with sheets.
Then they put dad through LBG (light beam generator) . It makes bad stuff drain out of his body.It took a looong time so I went in the kitchen to play dad's PSP. I guess I got wrapped up in it because mom had to come in and tell me it was lunch time.We had peanut butter sandwiches , blueberry/applesauce and umm... carrots.
Next we did the sauna. Before that they took blood samples but I'll tell you about that later. The saunas were big enough for 2 and had 5 heaters! It is supposed to make you sweat toxins out of your body.IT WAS HHHHHOOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!120 degrees to be exact. Since I was a kid and took half the time I got to use the shower 1st. It was special water with oxygen and minerals . The water made me think of Hawaii's waterfalls and smelled almost like Heaven. After I got out Mr. Bach let me see dad's blood . The live white blood cells that were live were about a fingernail long on the microscope. It looked like when a TV goes bad and makes lots of loud noise.
Well that is about it. I'll blog again when mom lets me.


Fancy Nanc said...

What a special girl you are and what an opportunity to get to see all of the natural things God created healing your daddy. Stay strong in God's arms for your daddy and know that I am thinking about you every day and praying for you.
I love you cutie bug!
Aunt Nancie

Anonymous said...

We loved you blog, you bring an differnet prespective to this jorney your family it on. I know that both your daddy and mommy need those hugs and support.
Please keep blogging...............All our love.
Mimi & Papa

Lisa said...

Wow, Elizabeth! What you said about the water makes me want to go to the Hawaiian waterfalls! You use very descriptive language. I hope you blog more. I like hearing this story in your words.


Unknown said...

Elizabeth, Ask Mom to let you blog again. We all really want to read what you have to say!


Hannah C said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I'm praying for your dad and for you and your mom.

I miss you.


missy said...

Hello Elizabeth,
It's Miss Missy. We saw each other at the beach a while back. I hope that when you get back to town you will come and play with my kids at our house. I'm so glad you are there with your mom and dad and learning so much.
Give your mom a great big hug from me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizebeth! We miss you...

I just stocked up on "Laughing Cow". (Your parents are wondering what I'm talking about? :)

Your turtles send a BIG wet kiss!

Landon is still working on negtiating Lego Star Wars with you. And Payton...she's just waitng for her buddy to get back.

You are learning so much...when are you giving your first health class? Sign us up!:)

God loves you soooooo much, and so do we! ~Ms. Roxanne

P.S.Payton and Landon will write when their school work is done.:)

Anonymous said...


Hi! It's Jeff & Wendy. We loved reading your notes today! We wish we could be there but know you will keep us posted.

Take Care,
Love Jeff & Wendy