Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day 2 - No. You don't understand. I am hungry.

Such simple words that brought such hope this afternoon. We spent the day seeking treatment. When we got back to the hotel, I wanted Mike to drink a supplement and then some soup. He said he was tired. I said, "That is ok. Just drink the supplement." He said, "No you don't understand. I am hungry. I want to eat some soup." Mike hasn't asked for food of any kind since he walked off that plane from Korea 10 days ago. Yes he has eaten extremely small amounts of food. But his body as never asked for it.

So today is day two, but really day one of our journey here at American Nutriceuticals Wellness Center. Again, my new life long friend, Melissa sent us to her good friend Bill at ANWC. He is not a doctor, not a physician. He is a patient actually. A very successful patient as he is a 40+ year survivor of bone cancer. We have come to the ANMC to get Mik's health strong and use natural therapies from all over the world to make the cancer very weak. So let me share with you about all the crazy things that are going to make this journey a miracle. God's earth healing on of his own.

We got to the clinic early - Military 15 minute prior rule :) - and had some time in the car and the Bible. Mike shared with me Psalm's 91. One of the joy's in this path is that everything is so much clearer. God words are just leaping off the pages and ministring to us.

The first thing we did is get Mike going with Lymphatic drainage using Light Beam Generator (LBG). The light paddles are places at specific points on Mike to eliminate excess lymphatic fluid and blockages and reduce pain, swelling and assist the immune system by encouraging the flow of the lymph. This took awhile. In the meantime, Bill gave Elizabeth a Cancer 101. What we are doing is increasing Mike's immune system and keeping his heathly cells strong. Almost at the same time we are going to be working on breaking down the sources that cause cancer to grow - glucose. Next week we will start working on infusing Mike with an IV Therapy that is then designed to kill the cancer. A chemotherapy of the natural kind.

Mike did another Lympathic drainage session by another form of light therapy as well. I learned how to juice and we made his a drink of beets, kale, green onion, apple, spinach, and some other leafy green that I don't recognize. He kept some down. But did have an issue there.

We then moved on to foot detox. Bill allowed Elizabeth and I to experience this treatment. The foot is very porous and toxins are drained out using some sort of electrodes (?). The water started perfectly clear. By the end of 35 minutes, my water was almost as disgusting as Mike's. Brown and gross green junk. Bill looked at my water and said, " Your gall bladder isn't functioning as it should." I think everyone in Tucson recalls my gallbladder attack in December right as we were moving. It has been uncomfortable sometimes. Bill didn't know that.

ANWC has filtered air, special water... it is like a spa, but not really. They are opened this weekend just for Mike. To attack this cancer. God is so good. Mike is very tired but looks so much better. He has more color. He isn't that pasty white anymore. We are so encouraged. We have so much joy and peace right now. I will admit we have been in a cocoon for the past few days. We have fasted from TV, radio, surfing the web, and it has brought an amazing amount of clarity and peace. Those first few days were so chaotic and hopeless. We have hope. Hope that God will heal. Hope that there is a way using things God created. At my core, it makes sense. Our Almighty spoke this world into creation. He created to the very detail of our DNA. Sin entered this world, but he provided a way out of that sin through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. Disease is just like sin. God provided a way out throught his creation - light, plants, fruits, etc. I will blog more and I learn more on the treatments.

The postings on this blog are so encouraging and uplighting. Please continue to pray and blog and email. We need it. We want it. It breaks us into tears sometimes, but also strengthen's us form the inside out.

Cassie, Mike and I are so glad that it has made it to Godsquad. Our hope and faith were founded in that group. We were baptized by Dr. Christopher 10 years ago. Godsquad was our training ground in how to walk the walk that we are walking right now. Our hearts go out to our brother's and sisters at FBC Abilene.


Lisa said...

Still praying, still believing God for His best for all of you!

You are loved...


Anonymous said...

Deanna & Family,

I'm in shock over all that has happened. You are all in my prayers. I'm just here in Navarre, if you need anything at all. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help in any way. My sister in law has a brain tumor and has seen several doctors in the Mayo clinic in Cleveland that I'm sure she could put you in touch with.

-Carolyn Kincaid

Aunt Amy said...

Deanna and Mike-

In your first blog you said that this has been a life changing experience for you both physically and spiritually.
I want to share more words of encouragement and hope. Out of your struggle, there is something you definitely cannot see and may never hear of.... It is definitely a direct result of the Lord's divine hand and the Holy Spirit.
Your life changing experience has gone far beyond the walls of ANWC and Florida. Know that the Holy Spirit is working in our immediate family and the entire Lewis Family through your example of faith and strength. Walls are being completely broken down, hearts are being opened, unspoken hurt has been miraculously healed, and more is yet to come.
Your faith amazes me. Mike will be healthy again, I have no doubt in my mind. No doubt at all. I continue to commit to praying for Mike daily, as well as Elizabeth and you. You are so strong. Now, stronger than ever. It is inspirational and hopeful.

Fancy Nanc said...

Sweet Family,
Tonight as I have been before the Lord in praise and then prayer for you, I am reminded of the words of one of my favorite songs and I want to offer it up to you tonight as an encouragement. It is from the song "I Know My Redeemer Lives" and the words are as follows: The very same God, that spins things in orbit, RUNS to the weary, the weak and the strong. And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken, They conquered death to bring me VICTORY! I know my Redeemer lives, I Know my Redeemer lives, Let all creation testify, let this life within me cry, I know my Redeemer lives.
Mike will live to testify that His Redeemer lives and actively moves in not only your lives but all of our lives. Be strong and of good courage for the Lord goes before you as it says in Deut. and know that your prayer warriors are standing in the gap for you.
I love you sweet sister and brother in law. Kiss and hug Elizabeth for me.

Fancy Nanc said...

Deanna, Mike, and Elizabeth,
Please take time to go to and watch it. It is 25 minutes of encouragement for all three of you.
He loves you and will carry you through this for He has known you from the moment He breathed life into you in your mother's womb.
Love you, want to wrap my arms around you, annoint you with oil and pray with you. Know I am on my knees for you even as I send this.

Unknown said...

I heard on Thursday through CHET-SE. I'm praying for endurance for all of you and continued encouragement. May God show himself mighty and faithful on your behalf!

Anonymous said...

Oh No- Sorry we missed your phone call Elizabeth. I had the phone off because I needed to fix it. It is fixed now and back on so feel free to call when you get a chance. Bri would love to talk again! You're always with us in spirit and prayer!

Mrs. Cihak

Anonymous said...


I am so glad to hear that Mike is better. I am catching up tonight, so I hope you will see this on this older post. We are still in prayer for all of you, and Tuesday I mentioned you all in staff meeting at FBC, and you are now on the prayer list there. I will keep them updated from your blog so everyone who gets the prayer list will know how you are all doing. We love you very much and pray things continue to improve minute by minute, and that God's healing hand will work in fabulous ways through this amazing different kind of therapy. Please take care of yourself Deanna. I know how much you give to others and how much you need to take care of your health too. Mike, be encouraged that there are so many out there praying. Elizabeth, you are a sweet and special girl, and God will use you in big ways. The best to all of you and much love!

The Irwins