Sunday, February 22, 2009

It is all about moments

What a great weekend. Mike has not really thrown up since the stent placement. The TPN is working and giving him strength. I made dinner on Saturday night AND Sunday night. Mike actually ate some fish and salsa and pasta this weekend. We went to church. Elizabeth's team won her basketball game. Best of all, she spent all afternoon outside playing with friends. Money is tight right now, but our life is overflowing with blessings. We have had awesome moments this weekend.

It is such a different place to be in after the week. It was a very stressful beginning. The stent placement was a surprise. Neither Mike or I expected the pain and difficulty. It was very different this time. Due to the stent, Mike is back on morphine patches (50 mg) and he is not sleeping as well. He spent the first few nights leaning forward on pillows to sleep, but he is now spending at least part of the night leaning back. We also have a big caution light going on right now with Mike's port sight. It is slightly red and being watched very carefully for infection. We did the IV antibiotics on Thursday and Friday then they put us on oral antibiotics. Of course I spilt half the bottle, but hopefully Tricare will fill another prescription!

Mike did Chemo today and we are now home. Our Chemo lasts about 8 hours from start to finish. So it makes for a long day. Honestly, Mike sleeps through most of it. The premedication and anti-nausea medication helps that along. So far, no throw up. He is home watching the Food Network Channel and I have started him on the TPN. The Food Network has become a new thing with him. I am hoping that watching all the yummy food will stimulate his brain to crave some food. I would go as far as downloading a recipe and preparing it!

This might ramble on with no pattern, but I read the report in Mike's medical chart from the stent placement. This is what it said... pleasant, unfortunate 42 year old... Swear! For me, I think that statement speaks volumes about how Mike is carrying himself through this journey. He always says thank you, shakes hand with the Dr after the procedure, says please for pain medication, and is the man that your heart goes out too. As the doctors and nurses get to know him and his character, they are pulled toward him. Mike has always been quiet, but once you know him, you love him or at least respect him!

All of Elizabeth's test came back normal and her lesion is resolving. So we are leaving it at that and praying that we will not have to go through that again!

Cancer... we have met some incredible people on this journey. The one thing cancer does do is bring out the best in people. In the end, I think those diagnosed and those that work around cancer understand "today". The bible verse, "Give us this day our daily bread" really has meaning. I am in awe at God's working in these peoples lives - whether they know it or not. There is this lady (don't know her name) that was given 3 months to live 9 months ago. When she is not in the hospital (literally), she comes and volunteers in the Chemo room. She is an angel. Her cross shines brightly on her chest and in her eyes. There is Buzz who was given months to live 5 years ago. He walked in our room and gave us courage to do Chemo. He witnessed to us how Jesus has used Chemo in his life. There is Connor who is 8 years old battling a tumor that is invading his stomach and liver. We have never met, but I read his blog and understand everything so well. Life is so day to day. I have NEVER lived like that before. Goals, plans, vacations, next month, next year, when we have more money, when we have more time, after Christmas... you get the picture. I have even gone as far as planned my day to only have it fall apart faster than you can ever imagined. Mike and I have started using the term - VUCA day. V is for volatile. U is for uncertain. C is for confusing. A is for ambiguity. It is our little joke or smile for the day.

The whole thing is that VUCA days can be laughed at because that is a very earthly term, not a heavenly one. God knows our day before it happens. So amidst all the confusion or uncertainty, there is a sense of peace.. really. Because we all know the end, death. Period. The question is does your death result in eternal life in heaven or hell.

Did I tell you I got rear ended the other day? This is going to sound weird, but I think it was a wake up call from God. There was no damaged, but I smacked the heck out of my head against the seat. Instant headache and neck ache. I was sitting at the stop light praying for Mike and it happened. It hurt, but all I could think of is that in an instant my life could be over. I am not guaranteed to live to 80 and neither are you and neither is Mike. So we have to fight cancer with everything, but live at the same time knowing if our time is up, heaven awaits.

Prayer needs:
Mike to eat and drink more
The redness at his port to go away - no infection to develop
The Chemo to attack only the bad cells- and attack them hard!
Our house in FL to sell
Buzz - that the cancer will go back into remission and wisdom for Dr's.
Connor - that they can find something to stop the cancer
Financial wisdom
Better sleep for me

Elizabeth's test are negative
A meal from a stranger tonight
Well timed cards and presents today - thank you Myra, Dena and Robin. This was an awesome day at the mailbox.
Christian Neighbors
Sunny days
Another day

By the way, I am very close to finalizing all the military things... Praise GOD! We got our ID's, which was a blessing from God. It took us 3 days between facilities closings, a VUCA day, and driving to South Dallas, but it is done for 4 years! I got all the paperwork out for the SGLI extension and the Disability Insurance waiver. I even faxed the DD 214 today to Cynthia. Now, I just need to get our taxes together... One day at a time!


Anonymous said...

You all continue to amaze us and we praise God at the witnesses you all are. Our leaders were praying for you this afternoon. Love, Gini

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mike, Deanna, and Elizabeth:

I'm sorry for the disappointments on your roller coaster ride, but I'm glad that you are still holding on tightly! May these trials continue to be used to fortify you.
