Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mike don't read this post -

I am about to describe the bone marrow procedure... read with caution!

Well, the bone marrow is on it's way to be looked at and overall is was somewhat traumatic. I stood at Mike's head holding his hand and got a birds eye view of the procedure. The doctor did it in the office. Mike had to lay down on his stomach, which was uncomfortable due to the feeding tube. We did put two pillows for him to lay on so the tube could fall in the middle. The doctor numbed the area with latacaine. It took two needles and you knew Mike had enough numbing medicine when the needle stopped at the bone. Then, the doctor took an exacto knife and cut Mike's flesh and then inserted a small hollow medal rod into his hip. He knew he got to the marrow when it began to hurt. (They can't numb the marrow). Then he attached another syringe and withdrew fluid from Mikes marrow twice. It was extremely painful. Then when the pain went away, he took a core sample. Mike told the doctor to stop and about jumped off the table. But the doctor was quick and it was all done. So they bandage him up and get him to sit up. Then they want to stick a needle in his arm for blood. They couldn't find a vein and at that point, Mike got faint and had to lay down. In the end, he ended up getting IV fluids because they thought he might be dehydrated. I think it was the trauma. But he is home now and he is done.

Mike told me in his quiet determined voice that he will NEVER do that again. It was just a statement, but one with so much resolve, I don't doubt it. He is a brave warrior. I have no bible reference for this one other than it makes me think of the endurance that Christ had on the cross.

Please pray that the marrow will show what is holding down the platelets and that they will not find any cancer. I am not smart enough with this new test to know what to ask for in prayer, but I know God knows my heart and the Holy Spirit can intercede for me. We see the doctor next Thursday and will know by that point what the results are, if not sooner.

Finally, please pray for my dear friend Robin and Tessa. As in our case, all the Medical books say life is not possible. But the Book of Life says it is. We both choose hope, peace, Jesus...


Anonymous said...

So sorry Mike had to endure that and you had to see it but glad you were there with him! Love, Gini

Anonymous said...

You comments about how we all worship the wrong things and about how impossible things are possible with our God made me think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel 3. Their trial through the impossible was a miraculous witness -- and so are you! Praying for you ALWAYS, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

You comments about how we all worship the wrong things and about how impossible things are possible with our God made me think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel 3. Their trial through the impossible was a miraculous witness -- and so are you! Praying for you ALWAYS, Kathleen