Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Assorted stuff

Dear Friends,

Death seems to be all around me these days. After baby Tessa went to be with the Lord, I learned from our church prayer list that another 4 yr old boy, Caden, went as well. Once in a while I look at some martial arts web sites, where I learned that my college KwanMuKan instructor, Mr George Anderson, had also passed recently. He was a fabulous martial arts instructor--I have only met one other at the same par. (Brian Malm at TKD Southwest in Tucson, for those of you lucky enough to be there.) Before that, Connor Cruise and Bill Coury also passed from cancer.

Both Caden and Mr Anderson had cancer as well. I'm still processing all these deaths. It's like I'm in a company travelling through a valley, and a sniper is just picking us off, one at a time.

Yeshua, I am so ready for You to come, to bring Your justice on the evil one and end this once and for all.

When we went to see Dodie Osteen in Houston, she did a great job praying for a whole bunch of sick people there, including me and Deanna's cousin. She did something while praying that surprised me. She was praying over one person, and she commanded Satan himself to depart and leave that person alone.

I know from scripture that we have been delegated from Christ the authority to cast out demons, but I did not know we had authority to cast out the prince of demons.

Does anyone have a verse that says specifically we have authority to cast out Satan? The closest I can find is the sequence culminating in Luke 10:19: http://www.studylight.org/isb/side.cgi?bk=lu&ch=10&vs=19&it=nas&ol=grk

It doesn't specifically say we can caste out Satan himself, but it does say we have authority over ALL the power of the enemy.

I think Dodie taught me something very valuable there! She is very special and if you are ever in Houston, it would be worth your time to see her in action.

I was able to see the McKinney 911 memorial ceremony the other day (pic above). A fair number of people there were actually in NYC during 911. It was very well done by the fire and police depts and the presence of these heroes made it even more special. We don't do enough to honor emergency services workers--we should probably make 911 a dedicated national holiday to them.

Of course, I later discovered that Elizabeth's middle school had an assembly that day, where they discussed the evils of bullying and said absolutely NOTHING about 911. Ironically, it took the place of history class. People are already forgetting and neglecting to teach the children. Maybe I should have pulled her from class and taken her with me.

Speaking of teaching, I had a chance to teach two classes on Sunday over the holiday weekend. I taught about scriptural healing to my neighbor's adult class. And I taught a little at a seventh grade class. I am thankful that my neighbor let me teach while he was out of town, and to the youth dept at church for letting me sub in when they had a vacancy. It's been a long time since I formally taught anything, and it made me feel good-like I was doing work for the Kingdom. I'm sure I got more out of it than the attendees. It reminded me that teaching is sort of built into me- a fundamental part of my makeup. We'll see how my blood counts hold with the new chemo-hopefully I can continue to be involved.

So far so good with the new chemo. Blood counts were about the same today--red ok, white and platelets still marginally low. No nausea, no pain. Some fatigue, some chemo brain fog, but I can live with that. Could be on this stuff for 6 months or so. This stuff might do good against all the tumors, not just the bone marrow. It's epigenomic demethylization thereapy, which means it works by resetting the gene switches that tell a cell whether to be normal or cancerous. High tech stuff!

We investigated another potential clinic in Houston that does some good stuff with cancer, but right now they can only work on brain cancer due o FDA rules. But I did some research into their stuff and discovered we can get the same stuff they used as a pill, or just eat royal jelly (the stuff bees make), which has a lot of the same stuff in it from a natural source.

Our house search is at a standstill again. We are being patient and waiting for the right house in the right neighborhood at the right price. Today we saw right neigborhood, right price, but not the right house. It was a two-story with all bedrooms on the second floor...not good with all our medical issues. It was a beautiful home though, priced a bit below value I think, to get it to sell quickly perhaps.

I suppose that's enough for now. Bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers!

Yours in Christ,


Anonymous said...

Jude 9, Eph 6

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray for you all!

Thom said...

May God's peace be with you.
Regarding your thoughts about casting out Satan, I think this is an area we need to be very careful with. For one thing only Jesus (God) can cast out demons. Those he gives authority to can cast out demons in His name only (Luke 10:17); however even these people are limited by their own human shortcomings - see Mark 9:14-29. I think we can invite demonic oppression on ourselves if we approach this thinking somehow we have power within ourselves to battle satan and his demons. Anyway that's my thoughts.

We are continually blessed by your blog and pray that God will continue to provide for your every need.
God Bless,