Monday, August 3, 2009

GO, GOD, GO!!!

I think this might be a long post. SO much has happened. I will get the medical stuff out of the way first -

1. We are still waiting on an appointment time at MD Anderson. We called again today and they are waiting on records from our doctor. Mike called them and will be going there tomorrow for blood work. He plans to harass them until it is done.

2. Mike went to the doctor this morning by himself. I took Elizabeth to get spacers in her teeth and xrays of her head for braces. His numbers are down (platelets and White Blood Cell) so he got a shot for the White Blood Cell and we are stopping the Nexavar once again. We have been back on it for a week and Mike's blood counts are going down again. If the numbers go back up, we have found the culprit. Nexavar is an angiogensis drug that prevents new blood supply in the body - thus preventing cancer from finding a new food source to grow. Or that is the theory anyway.

3. Mike's stomach is sore. If he bumps the tube, it hurts. Everyone thinks it might be another side effect of the Nexavar. The sight is not red and he is not running a fever, but it is something that we need to watch and pray over.

This weekend was full of great surprises. We had a visit from Angie McCue and 3 of her kids. Angie and John were our neighbors at Dyess AFB. She is the one that I got the chocolate chip cookie recipe from and the one that took all those great pictures of Elizabeth that are in our house. Angie brought us 8 loaves of homemade bread. 3 fresh and 5 frozen. It is the BEST bread ever. It reminds me of my grandma's bread. (Just wish I had some rhubarb jelly!!).

We also got a visit from Lisa Rhodenbaugh and some of her boys to include Joshua. Lisa is a great non-military friend from Tucson. Joshua and Elizabeth were good friends at the time we left Tucson. Our house was just overflowing with love, laughter, friends, some tears, and Jesus. It justs brings so much joy. Thank you ladies. Thank you.

Elizabeth was John the Baptist this weekend at church in "Life School Musical". She had big role and did so well. She really surprised both Mike and I how good she was. She loves to be on stage, but she had a role with the meat of the gospel message. She really understood what she was saying and really said the lines. Proud Parent Moment for sure.

Sunday-- this was a big day. We were invited to participate in GIACT's 5 year anniversary. They also included in this celebration Merlin's birthday and Mike's birthday. I have said this before, but Giact was given as a vision to Melissa by God and it is a company that truly lives out the gospel in the business world. They set aside 10% for God's glory and support churches, missionaries, people in need (like us), and so many more worthy projects. We got to meet everyone. There is amazing ministry going on all over the world. I am hoping to download the pictures of everyone very soon. It is so exciting to be in a room where you can feel the pulse of God and hear about people reaching others for Christ SO MANY different ways. I felt like this big cheerleader - "Go God Go!" and "Go Giact Go!" Actually, that is a good title for the weekend - between Elizabeth preaching the gospel on stage, friends ministering to our hearts, and Giact's celebration -- GO, God, GO!!!

Guess what has come out of Giact's celebration? Mike will be going to Cedar Hill on Sunday to give his testimony for Pastor Herman's church. It is his first opportunity to go and "declare the miraculous work of the Lord" to a church that has been praying for him since day one.

Prayer needs:
Mike to gain more weight and eat more
His stomach and the pain/soreness
MD Anderson - God's perfect timing and perfect care
Financial wisdom as we wait for our VA eligibility certificate and buying our house
HAP program - that we qualify
Hedge of protection for Mike, Elizabeth and I as we prepare for the weekend.
That Mike's testimony will be honoring to God and that God will use Mike for His glory to further His Kingdom
For Giact -- continued prosperity and focus on the true priorities in life and that God will use them to move mountains!

For the joy that He delivered this weekend
Baptism of John, Jenny and Jared (neighbors)
Spend the nights
Shark Week on Discovery Channel -

1 comment:

lynn / kev said...

Praise the LORD!!! I know God will answer that prayer about Mike's testimony -- it will most definitely honor God. We love you all so much & Happy birthday, Mike. Lynnette, Kevin & the CG in Tucson. XOXOXOXOX