Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Prayer Coverage Needed!

Mike is under going another endoscope tomorrow to look at his esophagus and at his stomach for a few reasons:

1. to see if there is bleeding any where. Mike's blood count has dropped in one day from 11.3 to 9.7. That is a significant and quick drop.

2. The pain in his middle chest/esophagus area is worsening. He is also having difficulty swallowing again.

3. Constant nausea - to see if they can see any cause like a blockage or something.

The procedure is at noon. We will first go to the cancer clinic and get a CBC done along with a course of IV antibiotics, then we will head over to the hospital. We spent from 9 - 3 there today getting fluids, IV's, and doing blood work.

Mike is doing well and encouraging me that God has it all under control. Me? I am not going to sugar coat it. I am losing it. I find myself wanting to be angry at people just because I feel alone and then breaking in tears. Oh yeah... I ate a whole hamburger with cheese and mayo for lunch along with sweet potato fries just to make me feel better..... It didn't work.

Please pray for Mike right now and for the Doctor's and nurses and everyone that will surround him tomorrow. Please pray specifically that God will humble our GI doctor, that God can reveal His Glory by healing Mike to the Doctor's amazement, and that the GI doctor will have a little more softness with us. Pray that the scope will reveal a miracle. Pray for me and my strength and my walk with the Lord. I can't even describe how much it tears me up to watch Mike go through this and not be able to take any of that burden from him.

Please pray that our house will sell, if it is God's plan...


Lisa said...

Still praying. Still holding on with you and for you.


lynn / kev said...

We're praying too, and so is the community group. We are with you all the way and Mike is right, God is in control. Love you, Lynnette

Anonymous said...

Praying with you every day!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. We stop and pray for Mike's healing (and your other needs) about 4 times a day, all these folks on this log do the similar things. Remember that you and Mike and Elizabeth are never more than a breath away from God's ears. Much love, Kathleen

Dear God,
Please reveal yourself to the doctors today. Specifically we lift up the GI doctor. You parted the seas, You crushed nations but you are the same God that came to us helpless as a baby. We know You value tenderness as we see it in Your creation when we witness the bloom of a daffodil, the skittle of a tiny gecko, the flit of a butterfly. Send Your tenderness to Deanna and Mike through the GI doctor -- turn him to You and we ask You to be a balm to them. Protect them. In YOUR name. Amen

Anonymous said...

Lord, I pray specifically for Deanna today. I ask that she feel your love and presence in a supernatural way, and that she is exceedingly comforted and refreshed today. I ask that you would help her to feel the love and prayers of the saints, and that you would calm her fears and help her rest in you. I pray for Mike today that the GI doctor would should kindness and care to him, and that Mike will feel better soon from this new development in his esophogus. I ask for strength for him, no more blood loss, and for him to be able to eat and drink more and more each day. I pray for Elizabeth today at school that she would not only learn, but have fun, and that her fears and worries would be calmed. I pray for her to find joy in each day despite the circumstances surrounding her. I pray for friends and family to be able to constantly surround this family and share your love in a physical way. I ask all these things in the name of the One who can heal and who gave His life for us, Jesus Christ. Amen

Anonymous said...

Lord I lift up Deanna, Mike and Elizabeth to you. Empower them with your Holy Spirit, envelope them in your healing power and encase them in your love.